Keep up with bar updates, new posts, and other news with Bobby Heugel, co-owner and bartender at Anvil Bar & Refuge. You can follow Anvil’s formal Twitter account; or you can follow Bobby and all of his drinking adventures, thoughts on the Houston food scene, opinions on local cocktail events, and other intoxicated ramblings in [...]
May 25, 2010 | Categories:Anvil Bar & Refuge | 2 Comments »

Anvil’s Facebook page is located here. We would like to clarify, however, that we have often witnesses the unfortunate events that follow when Facebook and cocktails are combined. We are not responsible for any actions that may follow. Thank you for appreciation of this issue. Oh, and one more thing…the next person who sends us [...]
May 23, 2010 | Categories:Anvil Bar & Refuge | 4 Comments »

Anvil Bar & Refuge’s primary website is located here. For more information about Anvil, press inquiries, contact information, menus, hours, parking, and other pertinent subject matter necessary for enjoying a cocktail at our bar, please visit the primary wesbite.
To view our bar menu, click here.
To view Kevin’s beer chalkboard, which displays a weekly updated list [...]
May 22, 2010 | Categories:Anvil Bar & Refuge | Comments Off

To say that my life has changed over the last three weeks would be an extreme understatement. Anvil’s dramatic transformation from a vacant construction site to a functioning bar has similarly changed me from a dusty, unshaven, demolishing, drywalling, painting, quasi-electrician to the clean, fresh juicing, firm shaking, vodka abolitionist that thrives behind the bar. [...]
Apr 07, 2009 | Categories:Anvil Bar & Refuge | 17 Comments »