Our second annual Summer of the South menu debuted today! It’s a pretty crazy week here at Anvil (we’re going to serve 80,000 people over two days this weekend), but I wanted to make sure that I put our new Summer of the South menu online. Download a PDF of the menuĀ here. I’ll keep my thoughts brief because I have to get back to work, but here’s the gist of it:

A great cocktail menu, like a great cocktail bar, should reflect the region of the country where it is from, not some broader national movement dubbed “classic” or some other generic term. I want to drink different cocktails in Seattle in the Fall than I do in Atlanta in the Summer. It’s a simple thought, but one that seems lost in some ways with a broader international cocktail movement that, at times, seems focused on cloning over creativity. If you want to read more about my thoughts on Summer cocktails and why we are doing this every year from this point, check out last year’s Summer of the Soutb post.

Alright y’all – cheers! Enjoy the Summer of the South or whatever suits wherever you call home.

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